داستان آبیدیک

proportional system


1 عمومی:: نظام تناسباتی

Aside from Le Corbusier's development of his 'Modulor' proportional system, the term 'modular' is also used by other industries, such as the flat-pack furniture industry, to describe any product made in separate sections and marketed as a kit that can be assembled in a variety of ways to produce different systems. Based upon his discovery of the six-foot height requirement of a British bobby, his 'Modulor man' related to a complete proportioning system. However, by forcing the Vitruvian 'golden rectangle' into the Fibonacci series to create his proportional system, Le Corbusier's man, shown overleaf, is anatomically impossible. However, a key feature of the modulor is that it incorporates two related proportional systems: one a single series of measure, dubbed 'red'; the other a double series of measure, dubbed 'blue'. For centuries, from the mysticism of number in ancient Greece to the Middle Ages, through the proportional systems of the Renaissance to Le Corbusier's Modulor Theory, there has been endeavour to subject objects of different dimensions and musical harmony to certain rules and fixed numerical systems.

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